The first ever Rough Guide was to Greece, back in 1982. It represented a different kind of travel – a departure from the package holiday prescriptions and an off-the-beaten-track mindset. But it certainly wasn’t “epic”, not in the way those classical Greek dudes meant it – this new Rough Guide to Greece, though, is bona fide epic. Very epic indeed.
With its six thousand or so islands, travel in Greece has always been a bit special. Travel in Ancient Greece is something else again. Yes, you’ve got the relentless pounding sun, but you’ve also got the relentless pounding foes. You’ll encounter legends come to life and legends trying to take your life. There will be myths, miracles and magic. But there’ll also be the bread and butter of any fabulous trip: heartbreakingly beautiful light; warm waters lapping at your toes; boat trips; heart-warming interactions with locals; and endless vistas that will remind you once and for all that you’re alive.