Podcast: The Liberation Route Europe

The 6th June 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy. To mark the occasion, in this Rough Guides podcast episode we take a look at how the Second World War is memorialised across Europe, and the importance of doing commemorating such events.

The podcast all ties in with our Travel the Liberation Route Europe Guide. This unique and exceptional book focuses traces the route that the Allied Forces took across Europe during the liberation from Nazi rule at the end of the Second World War, starting in the UK and traveling through France and the Netherlands to the Czech Republic. From the D-Day Museum in Portsmouth to the German Resistance Memorial Centre in Berlin or Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, there are sights all over Europe that allow you to experience first-hand accounts of how different people were affected by the Second World War.

We speak with Joe Staines (co-author of the guide) and writer Louisa Adjoa-Parker to discuss how different European countries were affected, and also listen to some of the lesser-known histories of the Second World War.

We believe it's important that we retell and record these stories while they are still in living memory – and use them, to pay attention to the world around us.

We hope you enjoy this episode – don’t forget to let us know what you think. Rate us on Apple Podcasts and get in touch on Twitter using #roughguidespod!

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In the next episode, we’ll be looking at adventure writing and taking a trip back in time, to Shanghai.

This episode was produced by Femi Oriogun-Williams of Reduced Listening.

Top image: © Everett Historical / Shutterstock

Aimee White

written by
Aimee White

updated 23.03.2021

Aimee is an in-house Senior Travel Editor at Rough Guides and is the podcast host of The Rough Guide to Everywhere. She is also a freelance travel writer and has written for various online and print publications, including a guidebook to the Isle of Wight. Follow her on Twitter at @aimeefw.

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