Ireland wildlife: a complete guide

Ireland's mix of woodlands, mountain bogs, coastal cliffs, and wetlands makes it a great place to spot wildlife. The country’s relatively small size means you can access a variety of habitats in a short amount of time. Over the years, conservation efforts have helped bring back some species that were in danger, so wildlife watching has become a popular activity for both locals and visitors. Here’s our complete guide to Ireland wildlife.

Your guide to see wildlife in Ireland

One of the things that makes Ireland wildlife experiences here stand out is the network of community-led conservation projects. These aren’t as common in other parts of Europe. Unlike more commercialized destinations, many Irish wildlife experiences remain free of charge, with volunteer-run organizations maintaining public hides and walking trails. 

The country's low light pollution, particularly in western counties designated as Dark Sky Reserves, creates exceptional nocturnal wildlife viewing opportunities. Ireland's relatively low population density means wildlife here can be a bit more approachable, often wandering into areas that are easy to reach. If you're planning on seeing the Emerald Isle for yourself, be sure to check out our sample Ireland itinerary, which makes for a great starting point.


Beach donkey in Ireland  © Shutterstock

What animals can you see in Ireland?

Ireland is home to around 31,000 species, with some estimates suggesting the number could be closer to 39,000 if we include undiscovered species. While the number of species here is lower than in other parts of Europe, they're often easier to find. Ireland's geographical isolation has led to notable absences—there are no native snakes or moles, for example—but you’ll find some unique subspecies that have evolved their own traits.

The coast is a great place to see marine mammals, seabirds, and other species that thrive in the intertidal zone. Forests are also expanding as woodland coverage has increased since the 1970s, and wetlands play an important role for migratory birds, with over 500,000 arriving annually from Arctic breeding grounds. So, whether you’re near the coast or inland, there’s plenty to see across the country.

A red deer stag with Lochranza Castle in the Background at Lochranza,Isle of Arran,Scotland © Allan Napier/Shutterstock

A red deer stag can be seen in Ireland © Allan Napier/Shutterstock


Ireland's wildlife offers some interesting opportunities for viewing animals, even though it has fewer species compared to mainland Europe. This is due to what's known as "island biogeography," which means that Ireland's geographical isolation has led to certain species evolving differently and in higher densities without many predators. Unlike safaris in Africa, where you'd have to travel to remote areas, wildlife watching in Ireland can be surprisingly accessible. Seals and dolphins, for example, are often visible from coastal walking paths. 

Red deer

The red deer is Ireland's largest and longest-established native mammal. It's been roaming the island since the end of the last Ice Age. The red deer population in Killarney National Park is the last remaining native herd, directly descended from the original deer that lived here in prehistoric time. 

In autumn, during the rut, their powerful and haunting roars can be heard echoing through the valleys as males compete for mates. With stags growing impressive antlers that can span up to one meter across, these animals hold cultural significance in Celtic mythology and folklore. 

Irish hare

The Irish hare is a pretty unique mammal—not just a subspecies but a creature that’s evolved over thousands of years in isolation. It's larger than a rabbit, with longer legs and ears tipped in black, and can reach speeds of 45 mph (72 kph). These hares don’t dig burrows like European hares; instead, they make depressions in the grass, called "forms." 

What really sets them apart is their winter coat. While they don’t turn completely white like Arctic hares, some individuals develop white patches in colder areas, showing an evolutionary adaptation to their environment.  As a protected species under the Wildlife Act, they serve as important bioindicators of habitat health across Ireland's grasslands and uplands.

Pine marten

The pine marten, with its chocolate-brown fur and cream-colored throat patch, is one of Ireland's success stories in wildlife conservation. These tree-dwelling creatures were nearly wiped out after being hunted for their pelts and seen as threats to game birds. Now, they’ve made a solid comeback in Irish woodlands. About the size of a domestic cat, they belong to the mustelid family, which also includes otters and badgers. Pine martens are omnivores, eating small mammals, birds, insects, fruits, and the invasive grey squirrel, which helps protect the native red squirrel. They’re mostly nocturnal, so spotting one takes some patience. 


The Eurasian otter, or "water dog" (madra uisce) in Irish, lives in rivers, lakes, and along the coast of Ireland. The country is home to one of the healthiest otter populations in Europe. These semi-aquatic mammals are easily recognized by their streamlined bodies, webbed feet, and thick, waterproof fur. Otters are curious and intelligent, marking their territory with spraints (droppings) that often contain fish scales and crayfish remains. Their presence signals clean, healthy water, which they need to thrive. Conservation work in Ireland focuses on protecting riverbanks and reducing water pollution, which has helped otters thrive in places where they've disappeared elsewhere in Europe.

Grey seal pups on Norfolk beach @ Alan de Witt/Shutterstock

Ireland wildlife: grey seal pup © Shutterstock

Grey seal

The Atlantic grey seal, with its Roman nose and mottled coat, can be spotted along Ireland's coasts. The country’s waters support important populations, with breeding colonies found on remote islands and secluded beaches. Males can weigh up to 660 pounds (300 kg), nearly double the size of females, and their competition for territory during the breeding season is a dramatic sight. These seals can dive over 300 feet (100 meters) and stay underwater for nearly 30 minutes while hunting for fish, crustaceans, and sometimes even octopus. During the pupping season (September through December), newborn pups stay on shore for several weeks until their waterproof fur develops.

Grey seals are a huge hit with kids. If you're planning a trip with the whole family, see our guide to Ireland with kids.  

Puffins on Mykines, Faroe islands @ Shutterstock

The clowns of the sea, puffins  © Shutterstock


Ireland's diverse habitats create perfect environments for a remarkable variety of birdlife. Birdwatching in Ireland offers opportunities to witness both resident species and seasonal visitors that migrate to the island throughout the year. For more about the seasons of Ireland, see our guide to the best time to visit Ireland.  


The Atlantic Puffin, with its bright, colorful beak and penguin-like look, is one of Ireland's most charming seabirds. These “clowns of the sea” arrive in the spring to breed, nesting in burrows on remote islands and cliffs. While their comical appearance draws attention, puffins also play an important role in the marine ecosystem. They're surprisingly skilled underwater hunters, capable of diving up to 200 feet (60 meters) and catching multiple fish at once.You can spot them on Skellig Michael and the Cliffs of Moher between April and August.

Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world, reaching speeds of up to 180 mph (290 km/h) during hunting dives. Once on the brink of extinction in Ireland due to pesticide use, the Peregrine Falcon has made a strong recovery, and it’s a testament to the success of conservation efforts. Birdwatchers enjoy seeing these skilled hunters in action, as they’re known for their dramatic aerial dives. You can spot Peregrines in various parts of Ireland, from cliff faces to urban areas, where they often nest. With their pointed wings and short tail, they make for a recognizable silohuette as they patrol their territories year-round.

Peregrine in Chicago

Peregrine says hello on a balcony  © Shutterstock

Barn Owl

The Barn Owl, with its pale, heart-shaped face and silent flight, has a unique place in Irish folklore as a kind of spectral messenger. Farmers appreciate these natural rodent controllers—a single family can consume over 3,500 mice annually. Unlike other owls, they don’t hoot but make an eerie screech, which probably contributed to their otherworldly reputation. Barn Owls nest in old buildings, hollow trees, and specially made boxes, mostly found in the east and south of Ireland. The best time to see them is at dusk, when they hunt along field edges and hedgerows.

White-tailed Eagle

The White-tailed Eagle’s comeback is a great example of successful wildlife conservation. These impressive birds, with wingspans over six feet (two meters), were extinct in Ireland for over 100 years before being reintroduced in 2007. In Irish, the name of these birds is Iolaire sùil na grèine, or “the bird with a sunlit eye”. They mainly live in coastal areas and large lakes, feeding on fish and waterfowl. White-tailed Eagles mate for life and use the same massive nests for generations. If you want to spot one, counties Kerry, Cork, and Galway are your best bet. Their recovery shows how well conservation can work when it gets the right support.

Common Kingfisher

The Common Kingfisher brings a flash of electric blue color to Ireland’s waterways, zipping low over rivers and lakes. Even with its bright plumage, this shy bird can be tricky to spot unless you know what to listen for—the high-pitched call and its patient, waiting behavior. Kingfishers need clean, fish-filled waters to thrive, so their presence is a good sign of healthy ecosystems. They dive from perches with impressive precision, and their eyes are specially adapted to see underwater. They nest in tunnels they dig along riverbanks. 

White-tailed eagle on the lake Naivasha © kyslynskahal/Shutterstock

White-tailed eagle on the lake © kyslynskahal/Shutterstock

Marine life 

Ireland’s surrounding seas—the Celtic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Irish Sea—create a range of habitats, home to everything from tiny plankton to massive whales. You’ll find eco-friendly boat tours departing from coastal towns along the west and south coasts.

Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are a big part of Ireland’s coastal waters, particularly in the Shannon Estuary, where a population of these playful creatures lives.  They can grow up to 13 feet (4 meters) long and are easy to identify by their curved mouths, which make them look like they’re smiling all the time. These dolphins are very social, traveling in groups that can range from just a few individuals to over 100. They’re known for their acrobatic displays, like breaching and riding the bow waves of boats, which makes them a favorite for wildlife watchers. Dolphins communicate through clicks, whistles, and body language, and each one has a unique “signature whistle” that acts like its name. 

Minke whales

Minke whales are the most commonly spotted baleen whales in Irish waters, drawing plenty of whale watchers to the western coast. These whales are fairly small for their species, growing to about 30 feet (9 meters), and have sleek, dark bodies with distinctive white bands on their pectoral fins. Minke whales are typically solitary and can be a little elusive, though they do show some curiosity about boats. They feed on small fish and krill, using their baleen plates to filter food from the water. One of the reasons these whales are popular with watchers is their predictable surfacing pattern: they usually take 5 to 8 breaths before diving for several minutes. West Cork and Kerry are great spots to see them during the summer months

Fin whales

Fin whales show up off Ireland’s southwest coast most years, usually between November and February. They’re huge—second only to blue whales—and can reach about 88 feet (27 meters) long. Despite their size, they’re quick in the water, which is how they got the nickname “greyhounds of the sea.” One way to spot them is by their tall, narrow blow, which you can often see from far off. If you get a closer look, you might notice their uneven coloring—their lower jaw is white on one side and dark on the other. They feed by gulping big mouthfuls of water filled with krill and small fish, then straining it all through baleen plates —consuming up to 2 tons of krill and small fish daily.

Humpback whales

Humpbacks are probably the most dramatic visitors to Irish waters. You’ll recognize them by their knobbly heads, long, bumpy pectoral fins, and wide tail flukes that look like fingerprints—no two are the same. These whales migrate thousands of miles to feed here, and when they arrive, they really put on a show: breaching, tail slapping, and creating bubble nets to herd fish into tight balls. The songs the males sing can last half an hour, and they change from year to year—no other animal does anything quite like it.  Some whales return regularly enough to get names from researchers, and people in coastal communities often follow their comings and goings like old friends.

Humpback whale breaching, Hervey Bay, Queensland © Shutterstock

Humpback whale breaching © Shutterstock

Basking sharks

In spring, basking sharks tend to show up along Ireland’s west coast. They’re the second-largest fish in the world and can grow up to 12 meters long, but they’re slow-moving and completely harmless. You’ll sometimes spot their dorsal fins cutting through the surface, mouths wide open as they filter plankton from the water—up to 1,500 tons an hour. They’ve been around since prehistoric times, and in Irish they’re sometimes called “liabhán mór,” or “great leviathan.” 

Malin Head in Donegal and Blasket Sound in Kerry have become internationally recognized hotspots for observing these prehistoric-looking fish, which often appear in groups during plankton blooms. Because they swim slowly near the surface, they’re pretty easy to watch from a distance without disturbing them, and it is truly amazing to see an animal that predates dinosaurs.


Boats on the water of Killarney National Park  © Shutterstock

Best places to see wildlife in Ireland

Ireland is known for green hills, craggy coasts, and wild weather. The center of the country is mostly flat—known as the Great Central Plain—but things get more dramatic as you head out toward the edges. To the east, you’ve got the Wicklow Mountains. In the southwest, the MacGillycuddy’s Reeks rise higher, home to Carrauntoohil, Ireland’s tallest peak at 3,406 feet (1,038 meters). The River Shannon splits the island in two, flowing 224 miles (360 kilometers) into the Atlantic. The western coast is made of cliffs, inlets, and open ocean.

Killarney National Park

As Ireland’s first national park, established in 1932, Killarney covers over 26,000 acres of oak and yew woodlands, mountains, lakes, and waterfalls. It's a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and home to Ireland's last remaining native red deer population. These deer, which have roamed the area since the Ice Age, are best spotted during dawn or dusk, particularly in autumn when the rut takes place. The park also supports rare species like the Kerry slug and over 140 types of birds. You can explore it by walking, taking a boat tour, or riding in a traditional jaunting car.  You could spend an entire 7 day Ireland itinerary here, there is so much to do. 

The Burren, County Clare

The Burren is a unique limestone landscape where Arctic, Alpine, and Mediterranean plants grow side by side, and is one of the best places to visit in Ireland. This strange mix can’t be found anywhere else in Europe. In fact, the Burren is home to over 70% of Ireland’s native plants, all packed into just 1% of its land area. It’s also a great spot for wildlife, with pine martens, Irish stoats, pygmy shrews, and wild goats roaming its rocky terrain. If you visit in spring, you’ll catch sight of rare orchids and gentians blooming in the most unexpected places. 


Burren region in County Clare, Ireland © Shutterstock

Saltee Islands, County Wexford

About 3 miles (5 km) off Kilmore Quay, the Saltee Islands are a key seabird sanctuary. They’re home to large breeding colonies of gannets, guillemots, razorbills, and Atlantic puffins from April to July. The islands are also an important stop for migratory birds. The Greater Saltee’s cliffs and grasslands are perfect for nesting, and the surrounding waters are full of marine life. Visitors can catch a seasonal charter boat to the islands and get a close look at the seabirds without disturbing them.

Glenveagh National Park, County Donegal

Glenveagh sits way out in the northwest, and it really feels remote—in a good way. It’s a huge stretch of land with mountains, deep lakes, and Ireland’s largest area of native oak woodland. If you’re into wildlife, this is one of the better places to quietly spend time. Red deer live here and have made a strong comeback thanks to years of conservation work. Golden eagles, which disappeared from Ireland for decades, were brought back in 2000 and now glide over the Derryveagh Mountains. You might also spot pine martens, otters, badgers, and a wide mix of birdlife—over 100 species live in the park, including peregrine falcons and merlins. There are ranger-led walks if you want some guidance, or you can settle into one of the hides and just wait.


Glenveagh is a great place to see Ireland wildlife © Shutterstock

The Skellig Islands, County Kerry

The Skelligs rise straight out of the Atlantic and feel completely separate from the mainland. It’s not an easy trip—boat access is limited—but if you do make it out, it’s pretty unforgettable. Skellig Beg is packed with seabirds, including one of the largest gannet colonies anywhere. Skellig Michael, the one with the monastery ruins, gets tens of thousands of nesting birds every spring and summer. Puffins show up in big numbers between April and August, digging their burrows right alongside centuries-old stone structures. You’ll probably see grey seals nearby, and depending on the season, dolphins and even basking sharks sometimes pass through. Tour numbers are kept low to protect the area, which helps keep it feeling wild. 

West Cork & Dingle Peninsula

The southwest coast is one of the easier places to spot whales and dolphins without needing to go too far offshore. The continental shelf runs close to land here, which draws in all kinds of marine life. In summer, minke whales are around. In autumn, humpbacks show up and can sometimes be seen breaching or feeding just off the coast. Common dolphins and harbor porpoises are regulars throughout the year, and Dingle was famously home to Fungie, a lone bottlenose dolphin who stuck around for decades. Between April and September, basking sharks sometimes show up too, cruising slowly near the surface during plankton blooms. Local boat tours run out of towns like Baltimore and Dingle, and they usually know where to go.


The Skellig Islands is one of the most beautiful places in Ireland © Shutterstock

Best time to visit for wildlife viewing

You really can see something unique in Ireland every season. Each time of year gives you a different opportunity, with changing seasons bringing with them migratory species, breeding behaviors, and natural phenomena that make Ireland wildlife worth spotting year-round.


Winter in Ireland is a quiet time for wildlife, but it’s also when you’ll find some unique sightings. You can catch thousands of Brent geese flying in from Arctic Canada, and whooper swans start to gather in wetlands across the country. 

Along the western coast, storm-watching can give you the chance to see humpback whales breaching and bottlenose dolphins looking for shelter in calmer bays. The bare trees and sparse vegetation make it easier to spot animals like red deer and pine martens, which are often hard to see in other seasons. Just keep in mind that the weather can be a challenge—short days, rain, and occasional snow are common, so be prepared. Fewer tourists during this time mean you can have a quieter experience, and winter wildlife tours can provide useful expertise.


Spring is a nice time to visit Ireland, as the country starts to come alive. This is when puffins return to coastal cliffs like Skellig Michael and the Cliffs of Moher to breed. Inland, the woods fill with bluebells, and you’ll likely spot Irish hares and red squirrels. 

It’s also when butterflies like peacocks and small tortoiseshells start appearing. The dawn chorus really picks up during this time, with songbirds singing to attract mates. The weather can be a bit unpredictable, but the longer days and moderate temperatures make it a good time to spend outdoors watching wildlife, especially for photography.

Scene in the Mourne Mountains, County Down, Northern Ireland ©  James Kennedy NI/Shutterstock

Scene in the Mourne Mountains, County Down, Northern Ireland ©  James Kennedy NI/Shutterstock


Summer is when Ireland has some of the most active wildlife. Coastal waters are home to basking sharks, which are the second-largest fish in the world. They can often be spotted near the surface, either from headlands or on boat tours. 

Seal colonies are busy with newborn pups, especially around places like Glengarriff in West Cork. Wildflower meadows bring out Ireland’s 20 native bumblebee species and rare butterflies like the marsh fritillary. While this is a great time for wildlife, it’s also peak tourist season, so you’ll encounter larger crowds and higher prices near wildlife hotspots. To avoid the crowds, early mornings or evenings are the best times to head out.


Autumn in Ireland is a beautiful time to visit, with the landscape changing to rich golden hues. The red deer rut is in full swing during this period, especially in Killarney National Park. You’ll hear the stags calling as they compete for territory. 

Hedgerows packed with berries bring thrushes and migrating waxwings. Coastal areas are perfect for watching seabird migrations, and seal pupping season starts along the eastern shores. Woodland walks also become a bit more interesting with the arrival of fungi, as dozens of species appear after rainfall. The weather can be a bit unpredictable with occasional storms, but fewer tourists mean you can have a more relaxed experience


Giant's Causeway in Ireland  © Shutterstock

How to experience wildlife responsibly

Ireland’s wildlife is under pressure. Since 1990, the country has seen a 25% drop in biodiversity, and that decline is showing up in its national parks and conservation areas. But responsible wildlife tourism can help—when it’s done right, it supports local economies and protects the very landscapes people come to see.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service has clear rules in place to protect vulnerable species and habitats. You’ll need to stay at least a football field (100 meters) away from seal colonies, skip the flash if you're near nesting birds, and avoid certain peatlands when restoration work is underway. These aren’t just suggestions—under the Wildlife Act, disturbing wildlife can land you a fine of up to €5,000.

If you're booking a tour, look out for the “Ecotourism Ireland” badge. It's the main certification system, with Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels based on how well the operator protects the environment and supports local communities. Guides with this certification are trained to avoid stressing wildlife and to pass on solid information about conservation. In some regions, like the Burren, there are even more specific programs—like the Burren Ecotourism Network certification—which require in-depth knowledge of local ecosystems and how to protect them. For more tips for your trip, see our guide to how to plan a trip to Ireland

Dre Roelandt

written by
Dre Roelandt

updated 25.03.2025

Dre Roelandt is originally from the United States but lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Dre is a freelance writer and artist with a passion for travelling. They are an in-house Senior Content Editor at Rough Guides.

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