Visiting the parliament
There’s free access into the entrance lobby of the Parliament, entered from Horse Wynd, opposite the palace, where you’ll find a small exhibition providing some historical, political and architectural background. If parliament is in session, it’s normally possible to watch proceedings in the debating chamber from the public gallery. To see the rest of the interior properly you’ll need to join one of the regular guided tours, well worth doing to get a more detailed appreciation of the building’s design.
Some of the most memorable features of the building are the fanciful motifs and odd architectural signatures running through the design, including the anvil-shaped cladding, and the extraordinary windows of the offices for MSPs (Members of the Scottish Parliament), said to have been inspired by a monk’s contemplative cell. The stark concrete of the interior may not be to all tastes, though several of the staircases and passageways remain evocative of the country’s medieval castles.
The main debating chamber is grand yet intimate, with light flooding in through high windows and a complex network of thick oak beams, lights and microphone wires. The European-style layout is a deliberate move away from the confrontational Westminster model, though some have been quick to point out that while the traditional inter-party insults still fly, the quality of the parliamentarians’ rhetoric rarely matches that of the soaring new arena.
Rough Guides tip: When planning your trip to Edinburgh, don’t miss the chance to select the perfect place to stay in the city.