Best accommodation in Slovenia

Accommodation is universally clean and good quality. Hostels are growing in number, and there’s a smattering of basic student dorms (dijaški dom) that significantly boost capacity during the summer. Expect to pay about €15–25 per person per night (€10 in student dorms). Campsites are numerous and generally have good facilities, restaurants and shops; two people travelling with a tent can expect to pay €20–30, and the majority of campsites are open from April or May to September. Camping rough without permission is punishable by a fine.

In the capital, double rooms at a two-star hotel start around €55. Family-run pensions and tourist farms in rural areas, especially the mountains, offer many of the same facilities as hotels but usually at a lower price. Private rooms (zasebne sobe) are available throughout Slovenia, with bookings often made by the local tourist office or travel agents like Kompas. Rooms are pretty good value at about €35–50 for a double, although stays of three nights or less can be subject to a surcharge in peak season. Self-catering apartments (apartmaji) are also plentiful in the mountains and on the coast.